HR & Leadership

TACT offers various programs & the duration and intensity of which are fully customized according to client needs. Most modules are spread over 1-7 days.


Change Management:(CM):

This will help how change in approach helps in an organization.



Visual & Daily Management is a team-based, visual process that supports teams in driving improvements around critical metrics. A visual system enables everyone to know – in a few seconds or less – if the team is on-track or off-track and where additional problem solving is needed. Daily Management can be applied everywhere in the business to create focus and alignment around key metrics, ensuring transparency, and driving accountability and problem solving.


Leadership Management at Gemba (LMG):

Leadership Training program enables employees to identify and achieve their own goals and to communicate effectively with their manager and their teams. Empowerment is a word that’s often overused and seldom fulfilled – but in this case, employees will truly become empowered. It is designed to assist individuals at all levels in making the transition from disengaged to engaged, and from being responsive to responsible; and, in taking initiative in idea generation, innovation, and problem solving.


Interviewing Skills:

The intelligent way to select the right person for the right job.


Training for Trainers (TFT):

TFT course is a key element of professional development for associates. The course provides guidance on motivating, adapting learning and training styles, and managing change. Particular attention is given to performance monitoring and coaching, which are critical to sustaining learning and an important role for the trainer or facilitator.


Communication management:

Crafting proper and responsible communication that includes the key elements of effective communication.